Michael Lazzaro writes:
> On Sunday, December 14, 2003, at 06:14 PM, Larry Wall wrote:
> >But the agreement could be implied by silence.  If, by the time the
> >entire program is parsed, nobody has said they want to extend an
> >interface, then the interface can be considered closed.  In other
> >words, if you think you *might* want to extend an interface at run
> >time, you'd better say so at compile time somehow.  I think that's
> >about as far as we can push it in the "final" direction.
> That seems a very fair rule, especially if it adds a smidge more speed. 
>  Runtime extension will likely be very unusual 

Unless you're me.  Or Damian.  Or a fair number of other programmers who
like to dive into the Perl Dark Side on a regular basis.

> -- requiring it to be explicit seems reasonable.

It seems so.  Knowing Larry, I'm sure this is an ungrounded fear, but I
definitely want to be able to declare in a module "I'm going to be
screwing with stuff; keep out of my way," so that I don't impose any
awkward declarations on my module users.  If that request can be made
more explicit in the cases where that's possible, great, but the general
declaration should be available.


> >I'm probably spouting nonsense.  I just hope it's good-sounding 
> >nonsense...
> It's beyond good-sounding, it's frickin' awesome.
> MikeL

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