Abhijit A. Mahabal writes:
> On Fri, 19 Dec 2003, Larry Wall wrote:
> > On Fri, Dec 19, 2003 at 10:23:45AM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
> > : Of course, when I do:
> > :
> > :   my $x = 0 but (true|false);
> > :
> > : then what happens?
> >
> > That's the problem with making them methods.  Any such operational
> > definition is going to get you in trouble.  I think I like them better
> > as enums, because then you can have junctions of them functioning as
> > a kind of subtype.
> Is that thought about just traits, or also about roles? 

Neither.  It's just about roles.  We're having another vocabulary
conflict; refer to the vocabulary doc.

> Sometime earlier Larry mentioned that roles could add multimethods,
> and my worry about that is this:
>       If you simultaneously have a multi method with a signature and
> another without, given a particular call to this multimethod how do you
> choose which of the two happens if the signature matches? 

Probably the same way you disambiguate when normal multimethods abound.
The more specific signature wins, if it matches.

Though I do see how this might introduce subtle bugs.  I'm a big fan of
method name-only equivalence, so I would argue that it overrides (or
subsides if it isn't being slathered on), but then I don't have
experience with large-scale projects.

> Disallowing such clashes seems problematic because it may mean that if
> the class writer used types and signatures these get forced onto the
> user of the class.

Everybody's going to be using signatures, though!  (Types are a
different story)  Yeah, the typeless one would win, I think, unless the
type happens to be Any.


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