PerlDiscuss - Perl Newsgroups and mailing lists wrote:
When the official release of Perl 6 is released and I start to write some
Perl 6 programs using Perl 5 modules, will I get any errors? How will this
be handled? Will all of the Perl 5 modules have to be ported over and
converted to Perl 6 code? Can I have a basic file while using the
standard perl 5 IO::Socket module or whatehaveyou?

My understanding of things is that this is what Ponie is all about. Make it where Parrot can handle P5 code. Of course, when P6 is released, Parrot will it. Since one of the Parrot ideals is the interoperability of code from various sources, the answer to your question is yes (as long as Ponie supports it).

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