At 2:28 PM -0800 12/22/03, Joe Wilson wrote:
Grotty bits? Can you be more specific?
What Python features or idioms do you believe Parrot will run faster
than the CLR?

Amongst other things, python allows for dynamic addition and deletion of object attributes (or what we're calling attributes--per-object slot variables--I think .NET calls them properties) and the dynamic addition, modification, and deletion of methods.

The method changing stuff is the big spot that'll cause trouble. .NET allows for methods to be added, but once added they can't be changed or deleted. The python folks say they do some other really odd low-level dispatching things that'll cause trouble, but they were a bit vague when this came up a week or two ago on the python-dev list.

--- Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Yeah, but alas Miguel's mis-informed. A reasonable reimplementation
 of core python (without all the grotty bits that arguably throw in
 the huge speed hit) should run that benchmark at about 20x python's
 base speed, and the parts of Python that will give .NET serious fits
 haven't been implemented. Python's method semantics don't match
 .NET's semantics in a number of performance-unpleasant ways.

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--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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