Melvin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> At 09:30 PM 1/5/2004 +0000, Piers Cawley wrote:
>>Melvin Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> > At 07:55 PM 1/5/2004 +0100, Lars Balker Rasmussen wrote:
>> >>The Perl 6 Summarizer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> >> >     people's salaries will depend on Parrot. I confess I
>> >> >     wouldn't be surprised if, by the end of the year, we
>> >> >     haven't seen the full implementation of at least one of
>> >> >     the big non-Perl scripting languages on top of Parrot.
>> >>
>> >>I'm confused, are you optimistic or pessimistic in that last
>> >>sentence?
>> >
>> > Knowing Piers, I would guess: optimistic. :)
>>Have we met? You're right though.
> Unless you count our chats on IRC, no.
> I can deduce that much from IRC and summaries. We do read them, you
> know. :)

Thank heavens for that. I thought people printed them out and used
them to roll cigarettes with.


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