I have tested the patches below now. Could someone have a look at them and see if they can get commited especially the patch to the call_list.txt file.


Harry Jackson wrote:
Some questions

Please note:
I have been unable to test these patches with "make test" due to the problems I mentioned in an earler post. I have managed to get the postgres lib working again and I am hoping this is the only thing I have affected with these patches although if someone would like to apply and try them I would appreciate it.

I am getting errors when trying to load the libpq library. I added a few
lines to the /parrot/build_tools/build_nativecall.pl script to see what was going on when I got the core dump. I have attached a patch to add these. There may be some problems with it. I was also thinking that it would be handy to have the facility to print out variables in the message, what do people think?

I noticed that there are several signatures missing from call_list.txt so I added these as well. Patch attached. There where quite a few which probably means I am barking up the wrong tree.

On side note: I was reading the docs on strings and noticed that we should always be using "STRING" but I have noticed a few references to "String" while rummaging around. From what I can gather they are one and the same and "String" is redundant. Is this the case?

On another side note I noticed a reference to "TWEAKS", purely by chance. For those not in the know

  From the summarizer:
   (Takers Wanted -- Effort And Knowledge Sought).

From what I can gather this is a list of tasks compiled by leo that need to be carried out and help is required. I think it would be a good idea to have a well kept todo list particularly for tasks that are fairly easy to complete. I am sure there are people on this list like myself who do not mind doing the smaller stuff (including documention ;-) in order to get to know the guts. Although some of the stuff leo is asking for is not that small.

On another side note I noticed the string.pod documentations asks at the bottom "Should the following functions be mentioned? string_append, string_from_cstring, string_from_int, string_from_num, string_index, string_replace, string_set, string_str_index, string_to_cstring, string_to_int, string_to_num, string_transcode."

Yes they should, it is things like this that would be good to
put on the TWEAKS along with where or how to start[1]. The
strings doc has been one of the handiest I have found to date.

Harry (on a side note) Jackson

1. If anyone wants to take it on and is unsure where to start. Use the folowing file.


file to see what each of the functions do and try some of them and document what you do in strings.pod and submit your results. I will probably make some entries on it myself if no one else does.


--- build_nativecall.pl Tue Dec 30 15:54:20 2003
+++ build_nativecall.pl.new Tue Dec 30 15:53:09 2003
@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@
* Notes:
* References:
#include "parrot/parrot.h"
#if defined(HAS_JIT) && defined(I386) && defined(threaded_NCI_is_ok)
@@ -207,8 +206,13 @@
to a function that can call it. */
void *
build_call_func(struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter, PMC *pmc_nci,
- String *signature)
+ STRING *signature)
+ + STRING *ns;
+ STRING *message;
+ char *c;
/* This would be a good place to put the code that builds the
frames. Undoubtedly painfully platform-dependent */
@@ -221,7 +225,20 @@
if (0 == string_length(signature)) return F2DPTR(pcf_v_v);
- PANIC("Unknown signature type");
+ + + /*
+ These three lines have been added to aid debugging. I want to be able to
+ see which signature has an unknown type. I am sure someone can come up
+ with a neater way to do this.
+ */
+ ns = string_make(interpreter, " is an unknown signature type", 30, NULL, 0, NULL);
+ message = string_concat(interpreter, signature, ns, 0);
+ + // I think there may be memory issues with this but if we get to here we are
+ // aborting.
+ c = string_to_cstring(interpreter, message);
+ PANIC(c);
return NULL;


--- call_list.txt Tue Dec 30 15:54:20 2003
+++ call_list.txt.new Tue Dec 30 15:53:34 2003
@@ -181,6 +181,18 @@
# Oddball ones for postgres
p ptiLTLLi
+p t
+p ttttttt
+c p
+t p
+v pp
+t tl4
+t t4
+p pt
+p pi33ipi
+t pii
+p pi
+i pitl
# The following are used by library/pcre.imc
p tiB3P

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