On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 10:45, Dan Sugalski wrote;

  > Yes. The recommendation I've always seen for deadlock avoidance is
  > to always have all your code grab its mutexes in some fixed order.

Yes; otherwise, you need to back off and start again, if one lock
acquisition fails.

Consider these functions; for the purpose of this example, lexical
lock ordering is implied;

  func1($AAAA, $CCCC, $FFFF, $GGGG, $KKKK);
  func2($BBBB, $DDDD, $FFFF, $IIII, $KKKK);
  func3($FFFF, $KKKK);

So long as the locks are ramped up from the lowest to the highest,
there is no chance of func1 acquiring a lock to be held by func2 (eg,
$KKKK), if that other function already has one of the shared
dependancies (eg, $FFFF).

All well and good.  But, what about recursive locks?


 sub func1($one is locked, $two is locked, $three is locked) {
     for my $x ($one, $two, $three) {
         func2($x.property) if $x.property;

 sub func2($eins is locked) {
     if ($eins.property) {
         func2($eins.property, { });

 $aaa.property = { };
 $bbb.property.property = $aaa;
 $ccc = { };
 if (thork()) {   # fork a thread
    # thread A
    func1($aaa, $bbb, $ccc);
 } else {
    # thread B

OK, the execution order that causes the deadlock is:

  1. Thread B - func2() acquires a lock on the $bbb.property PMC.
  2. Thread A - func() acquires a lock on $aaa, $bbb, $ccc.
  3. Thread A - func2() acquires a lock on $aaa.property, which
     returns quickly
  4. Thread A - func2() blocks waiting for a lock on $bbb.property,
     held by func2() in thread B
  5. Thread B - func2() blocks waiting for a lock on
     $bbb.property.property, held by func() in thread A.

So, there are still possibilities for deadlocks, as the non-linear
nature of subroutine calls screws up your nice lock ramping.

In summary, acquiring mutexes in a defined order as a means to avoid
deadlocks only works when you are acquiring them all up front.  If you
are acquiring any later, and you detect a deadlock (ie, a loop of
threads blocking on locks held by each other), you *must* be able to
tell one of them to "ramp off" to holding no locks at all.  ie,

The bugger is, winding back execution state automatically to when you
last started acquiring locks is probably an intractable problem from
an interpreter's perspective...

Sounds like a job for an exception to me ;-).

  for (1..50) {
     eval {
     last unless $@ and $@ =~ m/mutex deadlock/i;


  When I sell liquor, its called bootlegging; when my patrons serve it
on Lake Shore Drive, its called hospitality.

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