On Friday, January 23, 2004, at 11:05 , Tim Bunce wrote:

Here's my preference:

  *) ArrayFLenMixed  - fixed-size, mixed-type array
  *) ArrayVLenPMC    - variable-sized PMC array
  *) ArrayFLenPMC    - fixed-size PMC array
  *) ArrayVLenString - variable-sized string array
  *) ArrayFLenString - fixed-size string array

(Of course VLen/FLen could be VSize/FSize if preferred, and "Mixed"
seemed better than "Any" as I recall it's not truly "any" type.)

The general scheme is <container type><qualifiers><contained type>

Is there something so terribly wrong with English? How about a general scheme of <adjective>* <noun>? So, respectively,


Array is what Perl familiars will usually want. General scheme: Need something more specific? Type more. Not sure on Fixed, but I like it more than FLen. Other option is to flip it around and tag Resizable, but that violates my previous pricipal of "most useful = most convenient." I don't think MixedArray will see much use, so FixedMixedArray doesn't worry me too much. :)

I would definitely avoid the words mutable/immutable, as that will certainly be read by many (me :) to pertain to the values contained within the array.

Gordon Henriksen

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