Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While we still need to nail down the final bits of namespace stuff,
> I'm running into the need for it in IMCC code, so its time to finally
> deal with it.

> I don't really care what the syntax looks like, so I'm proposing:

>     .namespace [foo; bar; baz]

While I see that's necessary it's not that simple ...

> as a way to set the current namespace for subs to foo::bar::baz. Any
> sub defined from that point on in the current source file will go
> into that namespace, unless the namespace is explicitly changed later
> on.

... because, what does it mean: "Any sub [..] will go into that

C<.namespace> is currently in use for defining kind of scoped names, but
that wouldn't conflict with above bracket syntax.

Anway, whe should really define, what are the duties of the PIR
assembler towards variable names, name mangling, lexical scopes,
namespaces, globals, and all that related stuff. We need it. It's not

> We'll deal with namespaces shortly, after nailing down the last bits
> of the current object scheme's inefficiencies.

Yes please, ++detailed_mode :)


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