For me, (vim 6.2), that is

  < <bs> < to get «
  > <bs> > to get »

after doing

  :set digraph

(list of available digraphs can be seen by :digraph)

But, I find the above a bit unnerving because I've deleted
the character, and then if I type a certain character next
I haven't.

Vim also allows

  <ctrl-k> < < to get «
  <ctrl-k> > > to get »


-- Gregor

On Fri, 2004-03-19 at 05:39, Rafael Garcia-Suarez wrote:
> Andy Wardley wrote in perl.perl6.language :
> > I'm so happy!  I just found out, totally by accident, that I can type 
> > the « and » characters by pressing AltGr + Z and AltGr + X, 
> > respectively.
> Of course this information is almost completely unusable without knowing
> your OS, your locale, and your keyboard flavour. But thanks anyway, and
> I'll share mine : with vim, and with the 'digraph' option set, just type
>     < <Del> <      to get     «
>     > <Del> >      to get     »
> This is probably common knowledge as well.
Gregor Purdy                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Focus Research, Inc.     

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