Has anyone looked at what's needed to plug Parrot into UNO?

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UNO (Universal Network Objects) is the interface-based component
model of OpenOffice.org. UNO offers interoperability between different
programming languages, different object models, different machine
architectures and different processes; either in a local network
or even via the internet. UNO components can be implemented in and
accessed from any programming language for which a UNO language
binding exists.

Currently there are complete UNO language bindings for: 
 - C
 - C++ (compiler dependent, please see http://porting.openoffice.org for a list of 
supported platforms)
 - Java
 - Python

Additionally, there are bindings that allow to access UNO components,
but do not support the development of new UNO components:

 - OpenOffice.org Basic
 - Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation
 - Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). Note: The Microsoft .NET
   framework is an implementation of this standard. The language binding
   does NOT have the status "final" yet. Therefore do NOT use it (and
   programs based on it) in a production environment.

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Just a thought.


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