On Fri, 2004-04-23 at 20:51, Larry Wall wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 24, 2004 at 09:52:12AM +1000, Damian Conway wrote:
> : My proposal for that issue is just:
> : 
> :     module Bar;
> : 
> :     use Foo «foo»;
> : 
> :     sub foo is export {...}
> That's on the right track, but has some difficulties, insofar as it's
> not clear that the intent is to redefine "foo" retroactively rather
> than actively.  And it doesn't necessarily work for variables

Hmmm... it seems to me that:

        use Foo;
        our $bar is export := $Foo::bar;

should solve that, no? Now I just want a tied array called @EXPORT that
acts as a macro, adding "is export" to the symbols I put into it ;-)

Seriously, I did kind of like the code-as-documentation pseudo-feature
of seeing all of the exported symbols listed up-front in a module. It's
too  bad Perl 6 will lack that.

Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Senior Systems Engineer and Toolsmith
"It's the sound of a satellite saying, 'get me down!'" -Shriekback

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