Joshua Gatcomb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> parrot trans_9.pasm
> ok 1
> ok 2
> parrot -j trans_9.pasm
> ok 1
> not ok 2

[ ... ]

> (gdb) add-symbol-file arithmetics_26.o 0
> add symbol table from file "arithmetics_26.o" at
>         .text_addr = 0x0
> (y or n) y
> Reading symbols from arithmetics_26.o...done.
> (gdb) s
> jit_func () at arithmetics_26.pasm:1
> 1               set I0, 130

Good. So you can step through the JIT code.

Now comes the easy thing: find out, why the results differ:

- run the test through the plain core and trace it:
$ parrot -t t/op/trans_9.pasm
    50 cosh N2, I1      - N2=1.543081, I1=1

- run it through JIT debugging:
 # after the 2nd cosh
 (gdb) p N2
 $1 = 1.5430806348152437
 (gdb) p I1
 $2 = 1

You can turn on the register window of ddd too (or type "info float" and
"info registers" in gdb). Something must happen here that gives
differing results and segfaults.


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