--- Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> People were talking about what type "..." should be.  So at static
> type analysis time (if we even do that; I think we do, otherwise we
> wouldn't have static type declarations), you give "..." type error
> semantics, but then don't die until you actually run the "...".
>     my int $foo = ...;   # ...
>     my int $bar = 34;    # int
>     $bar += $foo;        # ...
> That's the correct solution to the type analysis problems.  I wasn't
> trying to address anything else.
> The problem was that people were trying to derive it/make it a
> role/give it some type that could go anywhere.  I'm just saying it 
> should be a special case.   That special case is already used when 
> there's a type error, except that the type error dies after the 
> current statement finishes processing.

How do I extend "..."?

That is, I want to code \U{VERTICAL ELLIPSIS} as a "code goes here"
alternative to ... with some additional semantics. 

So, how wrong is this:

  class VerticalYadda
    extends Yadda;
    multi method coerce:as($what) {
      say "Coercing VerticalYadda to " ~ ($what as Str);
      next METHOD;

    return new VerticalYadda;


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