"Dan Sugalski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> >Why not take a page from C++ and call "previous" and "next" C<inc> and
> >C<dec>, and then C<deref> to get what it points to.
> Because ++ and -- affect the value not the container. (There are days
> when I think "C++ does it like..." is the near-perfect argument
> against doing it one particular way... :) Next and previous are
> actions on the container.

Whatever you name the next/previous operations, you need a way to
distinguish operations on the container from operations on the containee -- 
i.e. the C<deref> operator. Otherwise how would you iterate over a list of
iterators? And if you're going to have a deref operator, how much benefit do
you actually derive from having ops like C<inc> and C<dec> do an auto-deref.

Personally, I like the flexibility of the C++ approach (though some of its
limitations will hopefully be fixed in a future iteration of the standard).
Being able to add/subtract values other than 'one' to/from an iterator can
be useful, especially when iterating over an array. Then C<reset> can be
implemented by subtracting the current C<pos>; and C<last> is implemented by
adding "size-pos" (modulo an out-by-one error).

Incidentally, the ability to implement C<reset> implies that an iterator has
some way of finding its parent container. This adds an overhead, which is
probably why C++ doesn't do this. A lightweight implementation requires the
client-code to track the container, and then add/subtract methods are more
compelling than next/prev, because they enable reset/last to be higher level
concepts. Does/will parrot do run-time bounds checking to ensure you don't
run off the end of a container?


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