Two days ago I uploaded the most recent version of my
module List::Compare to CPAN. This was the first
version in whose development I used Paul Johnson's
Devel::Cover to analyze the test suite's coverage of
the module's code and, as a result, over 3300 tests
were added, both to test new code and to test older
code more thoroughly.

The first thing I noticed after using Devel::Cover was
how much output it generates. The HTML files depicting
the line-by-line status of the coverage are enormous.
As an alternative, I generated a plain-text file like

    cover cover_db -report=text >

Even that file was large. Since my coverage was fairly
good to begin with, what I *really* wanted was a
smaller file which reported on the uncovered elements.
I took two approaches: (1) hacking up a Perl script
which parsed the plain-text report; (2) manually
cutting-and-pasting the uncovered elements into a new,
much smaller plain-text file. For example, I edited
the file so that only subroutines with uncovered
branches were printed out.

But I wondered: Wouldn't be easier to pass options to
'cover' so that a report focusing on uncovered items
would be generated? Is this possible now? The
documentation for cover's options is, to say the
least, very terse, and I can't tell whether it can

So: Can Devel::Cover's 'cover' program be used to
generate reports of uncovered

Thank you very much.

Jim Keenan 

Affiliations:  Perl Seminar NY / New York Perlmongers / Toronto Perlmongers

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