Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 17, 2004 at 04:21:09PM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> The HTML is well formed, though, which should make building a filter 
>> easy if you know how the formatting works. ;) e.g.:
> Or applying an XSLT file to it?

The HTML reports are really XHTML, so that should be possible. I've 
never used XSLT myself, but I don't think it would be very hard.

Hmm... with a little XLST + JavaScript it should be possible to create a 
report with a button that could toggle between showing everything and 
just showing the parts with missing coverage. That'd be slick. :)

This thread has made me wonder about something: Would it be useful to 
have a raw XML report format? Done properly it could allow Devel::Cover 
to use it as the *only* report format, assuming that the distribution 
included tools for common transformations like text and HTML.

Despite what Paul said about it being "fairly simple" to write a new 
backend, it's definitely not trivial. While I'm sure it's clear to him, 
I've found the underlying data structure and classes to be somewhat 
challenging to understand and keep straight in my head. I think that it 
would be a lot easier for Joe User to build something to transform XML 
than to write a new backend.


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