I recently noticed that the benchmarks in
examples/benchmarks was running significantly slower. 
I update Cygwin and Parrot daily - so there have been
a lot of changes to account for.  I idly asked on IRC
if anyone was regularly tracking benchmark performance
because I was feeling lazy.

Dan said not that he was aware of but if I was willing
to whip something up in Perl he would be more than
happy to do so on a regular basis.  Well, I can't get
Pg working on Cygwin anymore (should have regression
tests everytime I update) so after messing with it for
an hour I decided to use SQLite.  I also couldn't get
File::Basename to work correctly so I gave up and
rolled my own regex.  Since at this point it was no
longer portable I just threw caution to the wind and
coded it *nix centric.

It assumes the parrot executable is in your $PATH env
It assumes it is being run from examples/benchmark

It is also a very quick hack because I was on my lunch

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. Limbic~Region

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