On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 08:12:37PM -0500, Peter Behroozi wrote:
: And to replace $/ we could have something like:
: for $foo.fetch :upto(",") { ... } #or
: for $foo.fetch :until(",") { ... }

I suppose in <>-ese, that could be one of:

    for $foo.< :upto(",") > { ... } #or
    for $foo.< :until(",") > { ... }

That sort of thing lets you do context-sensitive chunking, which is
a plus.  But I think in the usual case people will be setting the
chompish bits on the handle at open time.  The option there might
be :chomp(","), so maybe the override should be the same:

    for $foo.< :chomp(",") > { ... }

which kind of gets you back to your eating metaphor.  (In either
case, the delimiter is removed from the input string, but available
as $_.chomped or some such.)


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