David Green skribis 2004-08-23 11:30 (-0600):
> One of the selling features (or one of the features that is always sold) 
> of POD is that you can mix it with your code.  Except nobody does, at 
> least I can't recall that last time I saw a module that did that, and I 
> don't think I've ever really done that myself.  The POD usually sits in 
> a lump at the end of the file. 

I'll consider inline documentation when POD can be inlined. But as long
as =command paragraphs need to start in the first column, I'm not
interested in this feature.

> Having a nice, compact way to declare sub signatures is good.  Being 
> able to document those signatures, not just "nearby", but 
> *simultaneously*, would be great.

IMHO, with Perl 6's verbose signatures, it'd really help if POD could
copy the signature literally. This is one small thing I do like about
PHP documentation.

I also think POD should be overhauled completely. I've been thinking
about proposing something like:

    sub foo (
        Foo::Bar    $bar,
        Quux::Xyzzy $xyzzy,
    ) description {
        Calculates the foo-intersection of $bar and $xyzzy, optionally
        blah blah blah...
    } returns Array | undef {
        # real code here

which would get rendered as:

    &foo (Foo::Bar $bar, Quux::Xyzzy $xyzzy, +$verbose, +$foo) 
    returns Array | undef;

        Calculate the foo-intersection of $bar and $xyzzy, optionally
        blah blah blah...

Having {} instead of <> would also please me. Especially if we can get
{b:foo} instead of B<foo>.

But I haven't really given this much thought. That's why I haven't
proposed it yet. But since POD is a hot topic now anyway, let's see what
everyone thinks about this.


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