On Sep-01, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Below is a pod document describing some IMHO worthwhile changes. I hope 
> I didn't miss some issues that could inhibit the implementation.

Overall, I like it, although I'm sure I haven't thought of all of the

The one part that concerns me is the loss of the flags -- flags just
seem generally useful for a number of things. In the limit, each flag
could be replaced by an equivalent vtable entry that just returned true
or false, but that will only work for rarely-used flags due to the extra
levels of indirection. I suppose we could also have a large class of
PMCs that contained a flag word, and only the primitive PMCs would lack
it, but then the flags cannot be used without knowing the type of PMC.

It all comes down to the specific current and future uses of flags.
You've dealt with the GC flags; what about the rest?

The proposal would also expand the size of the vtable by a bit due to
the string vtable stuff. I don't know how much that is, percentage-wise.
And I suppose that increase is dwarfed by the decrease due to
eliminating the S variants. (Although that's another part of the
proposal that makes me nervous -- will MMD really take care of all of
the places where we care that we're going to a string, specifically,
rather than any other random PMC type? Strings are a pretty widespread
concept throughout the code base, and this is the only highly
user-visible part of the change.)

I also view the proposal as being comprised of several fairly
independent pieces. Something like:

 * Merging PMCs and Buffers
 * Merging STRINGs and PMCs
 * Removing GC-related flags and moving them to GC implementations
 * Removing the rest of the flags
 * Using Null instead of Undef
 * Moving "extra" stuff to before the PMC pointer
 * Using Refs to expand PMCs
 * Using DOD to remove the Ref indirection
 * Shrinking the base PMC size

..and whatever else I forgot. Not all of these are dependent on each
other, and could be implemented separately. And some are only dependent
in the sense that you'll make space or time performance worse until you
make the rest of the related changes. You could call those
design-dependent, rather than implementation-dependent.

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