On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 04:35:56PM -0400, John Siracusa wrote:
: Synopsis 4 says:
: "PRE and POST must return boolean values that are evaluated according to the
: usual Design by Contract rules."
: Do "the usual Design by Contract rules" include the ability to "turn off"
: (i.e. remove from program flow) PRE and POST blocks for performance reasons
: in production, or is than an anathema to the DBC crowd? :)
: I know you can do debug-assertions-like things with macros, but then you
: have to decide how expensive your pre/post checks are.  The very expensive
: checks have to go into macros that you can "turn off" in production.  But
: the cheaper stuff can stay in PRE/POST blocks (assuming they can't be turned
: off).  Seems like an odd split...or am I over/under-thinking this?

I don't see how we could prevent someone from clobbering the global
definitions of PRE and POST to be no-ops if they wanted to.  Seems to
me that the whole point of putting the program in charge of its own
compilation is to let it be in charge of its own compilation, n'est pa?


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