On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 07:33:45 -0600, Patrick R. Michaud
> We're in the beginning stages of building a basic perl 6 grammar engine
> (i.e., probably without p6 closures) that compiles to parrot and handles
> basic optimizations.  Concurrent with that I'm working on a Perl 6 grammar.
The system described in Apocalypse 5, I take it? (Don't hurt me, I
just like to be certain...)

> I'm expecting a working basic grammar engine in a little over a month.
> We'll test it on a few simple languages, and then start using it to build
> the Perl 6 parser and code generator.
Cool. Any estimate for a working version?

And any way for an overeager newbie to help? :D
Schwäche zeigen heißt verlieren;
härte heißt regieren.
  - "Glas und Tränen", Megaherz

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