----- Original Message -----
From: Jared Rhine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, September 8, 2004 5:22 pm
Subject: Current state?

> [Patrick == [EMAIL PROTECTED] on Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:51:18 -0600]
>  Patrick> ...in the immediate future we'll be wanting rules/grammar
>  Patrick> tests (to test the grammar engine) more than we'll need
>  Patrick> perl 6 code, although we'll certainly take that as well.
> If you wanted to describe the form such tests might take, maybe
> Herbert will get excited enough to pitch in with such tests.  I grok
> the difference between the grammar engine and the actual compiler, but
> I'm blanking on how to describe the process of writing tests that
> aren't simple "Perl 6 code snippet" style tests at this early stage.

Test::More with Parrot::Test would probably be good enough.  For an example, take a 
look at:


Except that in this case, it would just be something like:

    # to test $0
    output_is(<<'CODE', <<'OUT', "Description.");
    "a string on which to test the pattern" =~ /(pattern)/

- Joe

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