Dan Sugalski wrote:
At 2:03 PM -0400 10/11/04, Sam Ruby wrote:
Separate op won't work for Python.  Consider:

  def f(x,y): return x+y
  print f(5,6)     # 11
  print f("a","b") # ab

Oh, sure it'd work, if you had an ADD_OR_CONCATENATE op with an appropriate MMD table. :)

Yes, *but" we have to do that for any string PMC, not only for a Python string. *If* we are executing a Python module, the MMD("add", any_string, any_string) operation is concat.

Still, the downside is that you'd like:

    a + b

to do the same thing no matter what language emitted the code. (Though arguably perl's + is the same as, say, a lisp +, but different from a VB/Python +, they just happen to have the same sigil)

No. I don't think that the "no matter what language" holds. Just the opposite. In a Perl module MMD("add", string, string) is C<+>, in a Python module its C<concat>. But these different functions occupy the same MMD slot.

  print z("b")

... That's not actually a big problem, though it's something we'd *definitely* want to wedge into the code generator. (One of those places where dealing with the AST is a lot nicer than dealing with the bytecode)

No chance AFAIK to fix that at code generation level:

def f(a,b): return a + b

There is absolutely no indication that, when strings are passed, it should do concatenation.

So again: if the code origin is Python, we have to do concat at runtime, *if* both argments are strings.

Here's a script that will run in both Python and Perl. It simply will return different results.

  print "1" + "2"        ,"\n",;
  print "45%s8" % "7"    ,"\n",;

Yep, though in part because "1" gets turned into a PerlString by the perl compiler and a PythonString by the python compiler, with different semantics.

The question is, if we can afford do have different semantics.

This is a barrel 'o worms, no doubt. Luckily I don't have to care, as such, since it's a language issue. (Though I do have to care about providing the mechanisms to make it not only possible but actually easy to do, but that's not too tough.

Again: def f(a,b): return a+b

... The tough part's making it so that language implementers find it easier to do it in the way that makes interop easy than do it the hard way :)

It's of course a language issue. *But* if we want to run Python, we have basically two choices:
1) force Python coders to write "a".concat("b") with a language change
2) implement the MMD add function for strings, so that it acts differently depending on the code origin.
The latter minimizes the difference of String/PerlString/PyString to probably nothing.

2) could look like:
- we have *one* string PMC type
- if we start running Python code, we replace the relevant vtable slots of add, modulo, ... with pythonic operations.
- and we push a restore handler onto the context, that undos these change, when we come back to run Perl code.

[ python pmcs ]

... What I would like to do is to evolve this into a complete Python object model, focusing first on being a faithful implementation of Python, initially at the expense of interlanguage interop.

Seems like the right thing to do to me.

Yes, but the can of worms remains and needs a solution.


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