Mark Stosberg wrote:

On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 07:45, Mark Stosberg wrote:
So, what resources are recommended to consult to make great estimates?
What habits to develop?

Thanks to everyone for all the responses. There is one theme I haven't
heard anyone mention:

The purely scientific approach that I assume involves collecting a lot o
data and using complex formulas.

You probably know about "original wiki",

Part of XP methodology is to compare your estimates with real progress and find out the "speed" of implementing. IIRC I read about it at:

but cannot find it now. I found only

I am not a XP zealot, not even a follower. I maybe would like to try XP,
but I am little scared - and we do not do XP here anyway... :(

Couple of other interesting links I found out at c2 wiki:
(unfortunately I did not have time to read them all)

wikipedia has also a link:

Sorry, but the only personal experience I have is in company I worked before: They set up a metric to estimate cost (couple months after I left), and within a year most of company were outsourced to India, including obligatory training of own replacement. So I was the last one who left, and was not fired. :-(

Sorry if this post is too OT.


Peter Masiar

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