Dan Sugalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 5:53 PM +0100 11/13/04, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
>>As the analysis of test errors of the new reigster allocator has
>>shown, we have a problem WRT register allocation. This problem isn't
>>new, but as the allocator is more efficiently reusing registers (or
>>reusing them in a different way) it's exposed again.

> We don't really have that much of a problem. What we have is just
> something more simple -- the target of a continuation marks the start
> of a basic block.

It is of course a new basic block. But setting the CFG correctly would
need to create loops, that is an edge from all subcalls 1..n to previous
subcalls 0..n-1. That could create big increases in CFG size.

> ... That means that we have to assume everything we
> don't get handed back from the function's dirty and should be
> refetched.

I'm fine with refetching lexicals, as - you say it - the may got
rebound. But what about more static languages?

> Or, alternately, if we declare that the top half of the register set
> is preserved on function call and return

These are preserved anyway - as well as the lower half. Please forget
the upper/lower half notion coming from old savetop times. The failing
gc_13 test is not failing because the register isn't preserved. It's
failing because there is no indication that this register isn't
reassignable due to the loop-effect of the continuation.

[ refetching lexicals/globals ]

> I'm perfectly fine in declaring that this is *only* legitimate in
> mainline code, and that code generators don't have to deal with the
> possibility that vtable or MMD function code has rebound names.

Yes, as said I'm fine too with that. Perl/Python will do that anyway.
But what about other languages? Are we forcing these to be as dynamic as
the primary HLL targets?


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