Juerd writes:
> What happens to the flip flop operator? Will .. in scalar context
> remain the same? What comes in place of ...? (An adverb?)

The scalar range operator was always a weird one for me, but that isn't
to say that it hasn't been put to good use by wizards.  I wouldn't be
surprised if it stayed.  On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if
it left.

Anyway, to answer what I _do_ know, isn't .. exactly the same as ... in
Perl 5?  That was my impression, at least (I've never used the latter in
practice, but my little test script seems to work).

Anyway, in Perl 6, list .. is your good old Perl 5 .. with lazy

If you do ... in term position, you get a yada-yada-yada term, which
dies if you execute it.  If you do ... in operator position, you get the
equivalent of ..Inf.

    say for 1...;


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