
While browsing the updated synopses, I noticed a problem with how
scalar container methods are called. Currently, both value methods and
container methods are shown in the synopses as being called with

For several reasons, that doesn't work for me. The method conflict
between container methods and value methods should be obvious. What
should ((1|2)|(3&4)).values return?

The answer is simple enough: for scalar container method calls, use
$foo.\bar(), which would be syntactic sugar for (\$foo).bar, and would
be the Perl6 equivalent to the Perl5 idiom tied($foo)->bar()

That way, we get:

((1|2)|(3&4)).values ~~ (1|3,2|4)   # (1,2)|(3,4) I presume
((1|2)|(3&4)).\values ~~ (1|2, 3&4)

@foo.\elems would work the same as @foo.elems, since @foo in scalar
context *is* the container object in the first place.


Ashley Winters

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