On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 10:38:10AM -0500, Austin Hastings wrote:
: ===== Idiom:
: The other concern is idiom. Using C<for> suggests "start at the 
: beginning, continue to the end". OTOH, using C<while> is a little 
: "weaker" -- "keep doing this until it's time to stop". Obviously they'll 
: usually be used in the same way:
: for =<> {...}   vs.     while (<>) {...}
: This seems a subtle concern, and maybe it's just my latent fear of 
: change making me uncomfortable, but I actually *think* in english -- not 
: that it does much good -- and this isn't how I think.
: Can we ditch C<for> in the examples in favor of C<while>, for a while? :)

Okay.  Have an example:

    while =$IN -> $line {...}

I think that works.  I'm back to thinking unary = in scalar context iterates
like p5's <>, and you should use extraordinary means to get extraordinary

    while file $IN -> $blob {...}
    while slurp $IN -> $bigblob {...}


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