On Sun, Jan 09, 2005 at 06:31:24AM -0600, Luke Blanshard wrote:
> David Storrs wrote:
> >Out of curiosity, why are we all spelling 'subject' without a 'c'?
> >Or is 'subjet' a word I'm not familiar with? (Honest question.)
> I assume it's a spelling error on the part of the original poster. 
> French for "subject" is "sujet" (IIRC), and "subjet" looks like a cross 
> between the two.
> Luke

I know how to spell "subject" in English.  That was a typo. But
certainly, it did not trigger an alarm in my mind.  When needed, I can
think and write in (broken) Englisn. But somehow my French sometimes
partly takes over.

French for "subject" is "sujet" and it has the same meanings as in English.

Once, the Sun-King Louis XIV, asked for a "bon mot". He was answered
"Mais sire, vous n'êtes pas sujet".  That gives in English: "But
Majesty, you are not a subject".  It is pretty rare that a pun can
survive translation.


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