Ok, having just seen Damien's post about built-in methods, I can 
answer part of my own post:

Re: more hyper-operators: reduce, thank-you!  :)  Of course, it'd still be 
better as a hyper-operator instead of a function (so that it works on 
operators too).  

I wrote:
> (speaking of which, I'd like a uniq function to be part of perlfunc).  

Damian wrote:
>        uniq      - remove duplicates without reordering

        I now write "Sorry!"

        Btw, even a complete list of built-in functions would be nice as a 
synopsis; it would prevent ill-informed posts like most of my previous one; 
Damian's one is a great start :).  


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I am                           |

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