David H. Adler wrote:

A question: is there any reason that you made this an OO module but still show calls to the methods as functions rather than methods on the object?

I.e. why C<verify_number_lines($capture)> rather than
C<$capture->verify_number_lines> ? This would also remove the need to
explicitly export those functions.

Just askin'. :-)

Ask and ye shall receive! TestAuxiliary is now IO::Capture::Stdout::Extended.


Here is the SYNOPSIS:

    use IO::Capture::Stdout::Extended;

    $capture = IO::Capture::Stdout::Extended->new();
    # some code that prints to STDOUT

    # scalar context:  return number of print statements with 'fox'
    $matches = $capture->grep_print_statements('fox');

    # list context:  return list of print statements with 'fox'
    @matches = $capture->grep_print_statements('fox');

    # return number of print statements
    $matches = $capture->statements;

    # scalar context:  return number of pattern matches
    $regex = qr/some regular expression/;
    $matches = $capture->matches($regex);

    # list context:  return list of pattern matches
    @matches = $capture->matches($regex);

    # return reference to array holding list of pattern matches
    $matchesref = $capture->matches_ref($regex);

All the functionality has been reworked into a valid, object-oriented subclass of IO::Capture::Stdout. Tests and documentation have been reworked. Contributors to this thread will recognize that (some of) their suggestions have been implemented. (And, for you coverage mavens, the coverage is 100% all around!)

I've submitted this to the authors of IO::Capture.  Enjoy!

Jim Keenan

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