Thomas Sandlaà writes:
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> >That's quite nice, but I've been kind of wanting to go the other way.
> >You know, not every operation in Perl 6 needs to have a punctuation
> >operator.  
> >
> >I think we should not use \, and also get rid of ^.  I'm interested in
> >seeing an example where using ^ is readable enough over one() where its
> >conciseness is warranted.  I haven't found that yet.
> What I tried to provide is syntactic completeness---and beauty---in the
> sense  of the table given below. I've found a posting of Damian where he
> opposes the usage of binary '!' and '!!' because it looks too negative.
> Is there another grammar reason why there is no single character list op
> for the none junction?

Yeah.  Because it doesn't exist in English, the natural language that
Perl most closely follows (which isn't very closely).

    if $a | $b == 3 {...}
    If  A or B is 3 ...

    if $a &  $b ==  3 {...}
    If  A and B are 3 ...

    if $a \  $b == 3 {...}
   *If  A nor B is 3 ...

In English it's more like:

    if \      $a  \ $b == 3 {...}
    If neither A nor B is three ...

And that's one of the reasons that I don't want ^ either:

    if $a ^     $b == 3 {...}
   *If  A oneof  B == 3 ...

The most Englishish equivalent of this is the one we already have:

    if one($a, $b) == 3 {...}
    If one of $a, $b is three ...

I suppose. 

> Another unanswered question is: how often is the ref operator needed
> in Perl6?

I don't know.  There's not really a corpus of Perl 6 yet is there.  And
Perl is TMTOWDI, right, so you never really *need* it.  But how often
will it be wanted?  I don't really know.  I know I don't use it very
much at all in Perl 5.

> eval   | value      |          |   bitwise ops
> rhs if | returning  | junction | num   str  bit
> lhs is | low | high |          |  +     ~    ?
> -------+-----+------+----------+----------------
> true   | and |  &&  | &  all   |  +&    ~&   ?&
> always | xor |  ^^  | ^  one   |  +^    ~^   ?^
> false  | or  |  ||  | |  any   |  +|    ~|   ?|
> false  | nor |  \\  | \  none  |  +\    ~\   ?\
> undef  | err |  //  |

I definitely like the symmetry.  But we have to remember that the P in
Perl (can) stand for Practical.  The advantages of having syntactic
symmetry are nice, and they aid learning.  But they aren't nearly as
important as semantic symmetry/consistency.  (Not to say that they
aren't important)

We have a surplus of semantic ideas, and a shortage of characters on the
keyboard.  Adding seldom-used (and in this case, confusing) operators in
the face of consistency is a Maxwellian thing, but I don't think it's
hiding any deep truth behind it this time.


    say "nope" if $a \\ $b;
    say "nope" unless $a && $b;

I find the latter actually reads well in our precious natural languages.
The former just seems like golfing.


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