Jonathan Lang wrote:

Maybe "set" should be an operator akin to "any", "all", "one", and "none",
at least in terms of "&" and "|".  That is, if junctions are special cases
of sets, why not allow for the creation of generic sets in much the same
way?  Then you could have:

# $A and $B are sets,
union($A, $B) =:= ($A | $B); intersection($A, $B) =:= ($A & $B); not($A) =:= (! $A); difference($A, $B) =:= ($A - $B); $e is_element_of $A =:= ($e ~~ $A);
$A is_subset_of $B =:= ($A <= $B); $A is_superset_of $B =:= ($A >= $B);

...and so on. Hmm...

I certainly wouldn't have a problem with that. Of course, you could also easily implement those semantics on top of disjunctions:

    class Set is Disjunction {

        multi sub set is export(:MANDATORY) (Junction $j) {
        multi sub set is export(:MANDATORY) ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) {

        multi sub infix:<!> (Set $a, Set $b)    { set(    $a | $b    ) }
        multi sub infix:<&> (Set $a, Set $b)    { set(    $a & $b    ) }
        multi sub infix:<-> (Set $a, Set $b)    { set( $a & none($b) ) }

        multi sub prefix:<-> (Set $a)           { set(    none($b)   ) }

        multi sub infix:«<=» (Set $a, Set $b)   { true all($a.values) ~~ $b }
        multi sub infix:«>=» (Set $a, Set $b)   { true $a ~~ all($b.values) }


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