--- Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just relaying the observation that the P6RE was fairly close to
> being able to implement Logical Programming, which several people
> seem to be trying to get into Perl in some fashion or another.

When I get a chance to talk to someone about logic programming, there's
frequently an "aha!" moment where they start to see some of the
potential, but then I inevitably get the question "if it's so powerful,
why ain't it rich?" (or something like that.)

The answer, I think, is that it's generally not available in the tools
that most people use.  SQL, regexen and makefiles all dance around
logic programming -- well, makefiles sort of stumble -- but if LP was
more readily available, people would be more likely to appreciate it. 
Unfortunately, while Prolog is a piece of cake to learn, this thread
made my head hurt.


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