Bob Rogers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I guess I was hoping for access to a lower-level mechanism.  FWIW,
> Common Lisp is an example of a dynamic HLL that doesn't allow certain
> ops to be overloaded (at least not directly).

Overloading is a syntactic construct that the compiler supports (or
not). It's more or less explicit, though:

Perl6: infix<+>(...) {...}
Python: __add__ = myadd  or even c.__dict__.update(myops)

Both compilers have to create a multi sub or a method called "__add" in
Parrot and store the sub or method in an appropriate namespace either
via C<store_lexical, C<store_global>, or C<add_method>. If your compiler
doesn't allow to overload some core functionality, it ought to emit an
error and not install the overloaded function.

Parrot's builtin "__add" is still there, probably as:

  m = ns["\0__parrot_core"; "__add"]
  a = m(b, c)


  iclass = getclass "Integer"
  a = iclass."__add"(b, c)

or similar.

But given the dynamic nature of our target languages, I don't see any way
to keep a "primitive" add_p_p_p opcode, which is BTW not more efficient
or faster.

> already too generic, so I'd have to fake this with explicit type checks
> anyway.  Oh, well.

Why? When Perl6 overloads e.g. infix<+>(Int, Int) it's overloading the
"__add" multi sub of the Perl6 class PerlInt. No Python or Lisp "__add"
method is involved here, nor Parrot's Integer.

>      infix<+>(int $l, Int $r) { ... }

>    has to look into the class of "$l" for MMD candidates.

> I'm afraid I don't understand; how is "int" different from "Int"?  And
> why would one need both?

The lowercased "classes" denote natural C types in Perl6. Above
corresponds to an opcode:

  op add(out PMC, in INT, in PMC)

which we don't have BTW. The "_i" stands for the native C type INTVAL.


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