David Wheeler wrote:
> On Apr 7, 2005, at 5:55 PM, Michael G Schwern wrote:
>> If you have isDeeply() there's little point to the eq* salad.
> Hrm, fair enough. I'll comment them out, then...

well, a few thoughts here...

as someone familiar with T::M and not javascript, were I to try to use this
it's an additional barrier to call it "Test::More in JavaScript" but not
provide _the exact same functions_ as Test::More.  now before everyone
starts slamming this let me explain...

as we shaped the php T::M port we started hitting a few things that were
perlish but not phpish.  isa_ok() is a good example - isa() is a perl method
but php calls it something else.  so, what we plan on doing (or did,
depending on the function) is implementing isa_ok() for the perl folks and
aliasing it to foo_ok() (I forget what) for the php folks.  I think we
carried over use_ok() even though php doesn't distinguish between use and
require in the perl sense, for example.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that, really, the target audience for
these ports is primarily people who are already Test::More savvy.  so,
taking away eq_array() or calling something isDeeply() just makes my life as
a perl-first developer more difficult.  ok, marginally so, but still...

the secondary audience are folks who are not Test::More savvy but who
program in $language.  for them, providing functions with names like
isDeeply() is more idiomatic, so it's a good idea to offer them too - we
should make them as comfortable as possible so they adopt our awesome tools.

anwyay, just a few random thoughts.  I don't ever plan on using javascript
so it really doesn't apply to me anyway :)

oh, and david... you really are crazy ;)


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