More updates:

1) changed the tclparser PMC to emit actual real_exceptions in several cases; 

2) Added a divide method to TclInt to override the default Integer behavior of promotion to float (This is 
necesssary because Tcl's floats stringify with ".0", always - so while [expr 6.0 / 2] is 
"3.0", [expr 6 / 2] is "3"); and

3) Fixed a stupid mistake involving [linsert]/[lindex]. Apologies. ...

Down to the following failures:

Failed Test    Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
t/cmd_global.t    3   768     3    3 100.00%  1-3
t/cmd_proc.t      3   768     5    3  60.00%  1-3
t/cmd_return.t    1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
t/cmd_string.t    1   256    35    1   2.86%  27
Failed 4/36 test scripts, 88.89% okay. 8/228 subtests failed, 96.49% okay.

Again, if you're seeing anything other than this failing, please open an RT 


William Coleda wrote:

Ok. I was somewhat surprised to hear about the Tcl breakages recently. I expect that Tcl is going to work on all of Parrot's supported OSen. Here are some recent improvements.

o fixed the most gratuitous GC errors that Leo diagnosed.

o committed a patch so that PGE is built by default (per chip). This simplifies the Tcl build process.
o add "--gc-error" to the default test build for Tcl.

That leaves the following test failures:

Failed Test Stat Wstat Total Fail Failed List of Failed

cmd_expr.t             1   256    40    1   2.50%  2
cmd_global.t           3   768     3    3 100.00%  1-3
cmd_join.t             6  1536     7    6  85.71%  2-7
cmd_linsert.t          4  1024     5    4  80.00%  1 3-5
cmd_llength.t          5  1280     5    5 100.00%  1-5
cmd_proc.t             3   768     5    3  60.00%  1-3
cmd_rename.t           2   512     2    2 100.00%  1-2
cmd_return.t           1   256     1    1 100.00%  1
cmd_string.t           1   256    35    1   2.86%  27
tcl_command_subst.t    1   256     8    1  12.50%  8

The [expr] failure is a result of recent MMD changes, I think.

Many of the other failures seem to be more GC issues. Help tracking these down is appreciated.

If anyone is seeing any test failures for Tcl that are NOT on this list, please open an RT ticket. (see: languages/tcl/README)


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