On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 02:53:54PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
: Hm, if ==> and <== are made special syntax, maybe this would be
: possible?
:     @foo ==> zip <== @bar

It's already the case that <== binds tighter, so it should work the
same as

    @foo ==> (zip <== @bar)


    zip <== @bar <== @foo


    zip(@bar; @foo)

Which, considering zip *is* going to care about multidimensional slices,
should do the right thing, presuming you really wanted @bar in front.
Ordinarily I'd write it

    @foo ==>
        zip <== @bar

to make it a little clearer.

You'll note that <== is really just a version of ; that doesn't
require brackets.


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