I have a "working" pugscc and cannot run the test suite. Should I
check in my pugscc changes or post them to the list so that Gaal can
run them against a Pugs that has a working test suite?


On 5/10/05, Gaal Yahas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, May 10, 2005 at 10:00:45AM -0400, Rob Kinyon wrote:
> > > Until we find a champion for that cause, I think it would still be useful
> > > to allow pugs to be built, as today, on Windows using Cygwin's gcc and
> > > perl5 (just like Corion makes a native build with -- I think -- cc1.exe
> > > and a homebrew perl5). The path question becomes the same as it is for
> > > any other non-Cygwin tool used in a Cygwin shell; how is it solved there?
> >
> > I think the solution is to provide a Cygwin version of the Directory
> > and IO Haskell modules. I don't know if this is possible in Haskell.
> > I'd prefer to have a PugsDirectory and a PugsIO module and have them
> > be aliases for the standard Directory and IO modules when it's not
> > Cygwin. If it is Cygwin, then wrap every function call with a call to
> > cygpath if the directory or file name begins with '/'.
> >
> > Is this possible? Desirable?
> It is possible to put cygpath-like capabilities inside pugs and compile
> it in on any win32 build, but it sounds to me like a runtime hit on a
> lot of IO, unless someone comes up with the magic to choose which path
> mode to work with at pugs start time.
> The alternative is even in Cygwin to put things like C:\ paths in
> PERL6LIB and friends. pugscc and the rest of the p5 supporting tools
> would need to ignore the fact that they're running under Cygwin and feed
> pugs only Windows paths. (BTW, pugscc looks like it can be ported to p6
> already.)
> Let's make a list of things that are broken. For me things mostly work:
> the test suit does, if I use the yaml harness (p6); 'make test' and
> pugscc do not. Do you know of anything else?
> Are there other issues besides paths?
> --
> Gaal Yahas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> http://gaal.livejournal.com/

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