Leif Eriksen wrote:
Can this be right ? I checked out DBD-mysql-2.9007 and ran it through Devel::Cover. Apart from skipping 15 tests to do with leaks and 1 test to do with transactions, the overall coverage figure from Devel::Cover is 56%

All tests successful, 1 test and 14 subtests skipped.
Files=18, Tests=769, 129 wallclock secs (103.23 cusr + 1.77 csys = 105.00 CPU)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] DBD-mysql-2.9007]$ cover
Reading database from /home/le6303/spool/DBD-mysql-2.9007/cover_db

----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
File stmt branch cond sub time total
----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------
blib/lib/DBD/mysql.pm 71.9 42.3 38.6 75.9 12.0 60.1
blib/lib/DBD/mysql/GetInfo.pm 70.6 n/a n/a 62.5 0.9 68.0
blib/lib/Mysql.pm 67.3 42.3 40.0 59.5 82.6 60.2
blib/lib/Mysql/Statement.pm 38.5 36.1 0.0 70.8 4.5 40.3
Total 62.5 41.1 33.8 67.3 100.0 56.0
----------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

Writing HTML output to /home/le6303/spool/DBD-mysql-2.9007/cover_db/coverage.html ...

This is the #2 item on the Phalanx 100. Is that coverage statistic for real ? I am shocked if it is....as soon as I finish getting Class::DBI to 100% (well on the way) I intend to hit this one hard if this is the real situation.

I have been working with Devel::Cover extensively over the last year, both for the ongoing development of my own modules and as part of our Phalanx work on Text::Template and HTML::Template. We have never bothered with the time or total columns (or with the POD column in the HTML version of the reports). We focus on the 'stmt' coverage above all else.

That being said, as Michael said, the coverage on Mysql::Statement is quite low and is pulling down the overall average.


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