On Thu, 12 May 2005, Autrijus Tang wrote:

>On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 06:09:00PM -0400, Dino Morelli wrote:
>> >Feel free to correct 'no_plan'.  I'll happily apply any and all
>> >patches to the tests, and those with commit privs are welcome
>> >to directly modify the t/p6rules/*.t files at any time.
>> >
>> Speak of the devil -- I started working on more unit tests for
>> p6rules today, starting with the things Patrick listed the other day in
>> his PGE features update:
>This may be helpful, too:
>    http://svn.openfoundry.org/pugs/t/rules/Disabled/rules.t
>If you'd like to converted it back to t/p6rules/*.t and included in
>Parrot itself, I'd be grateful. :)

Had a busy week with day job and finally got a chance to look at this. I
think this could fit into t/p6rules somewhere, yeah. I was thinking
there must be big re tests in the p5 sources but did not go looking.


No, thank you! :)


 .~.    Dino Morelli
 /V\    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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^^-^^   preferred distro: Debian GNU/Linux  http://www.debian.org

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