are Roles allowed to contain submethods and does especially the BUILD 
work as I presume in the following code? 
  class IRC::Bot { 
    has Array %:handler; 
    method add_handler(Str $event, Code $callback) { 
      push %:handler{$event}: $callback; 
  role IRC::Bot::JoinOnInvite { 
    submethod BUILD() { 
      ./add_handler("INVITE", -> Str $channel { 
  role IRC::Bot::SayHelloOnJoin { 
    submethod BUILD() { 
      ./add_handler("JOIN", -> Str $nick { 
 ./msg($nick, "Hi $nick!"); 
  class MyBot { 
    is   IRC::Bot; 
    does IRC::Bot::JoinOnInvite; 
    does IRC::Bot::SayHelloOnJoin; 
  my MyBot $bot .= new; 
  # Are IRC::Bot::JoinOnInvite::BUILD and 
  # IRC::Bot::SayHelloOnJoin::BUILD called? 
  my IRC::Bot $bot .= new; 
  # Up to now, no BUILDs of any role is called. 
  $bot does IRC::Bot::SayHelloOnJoin; 
  # Is IRC::Bot::SayHelloOnJoin's BUILD called now? 
Linux, the choice of a GNU | To understand recursion, you must first 
generation on a dual AMD   | understand recursion.   
Athlon!                    |  

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