Done. Thanks!

William Coleda wrote:
Cool. This means I don't have to do a lookup everytime I want to use one of my own types (per type per sub). Tcl will be patched shortly to take advantage.

Leopold Toetsch wrote:

The first steps for HLL language and type support are in. You can now dynamically load a HLL _group PMC library by just including a .HLL line in PASM/PIR, e.g.

  .HLL "Tcl", "tcl_group"
  $P0 = new .TclInt     # Integer constant

Note that
$P0 = new TclInt

also seems to work (no dot)

The ".HLL" pragma registers at compile time the given HLL language name within src/hll.c and loads the given library with Parrot_load_lib().

Please note that this does not yet work for .pbc files as the HLL isn't stored in the PBC yet (this will come soon).

See also t/dynclass/foo.t for 2 examples.

Have fun,

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