At 01:40 PM 6/3/2005, Matt Fowles wrote:
> I have been working and thinking about improvements to the Parrot/IMCC
> optimizer for a while now.  Implementing SSA is definitely at the top
> of my list, because it simplifies a lot of optimizations and makes
> some others possible.  The biggest challenge is to graft such a big
> change onto a working system, with small changes at a time.

I know that Melvin Smith (aka Mr JoltCola) was planning on a full
scale rewrite of imcc.  His plan involved SSA.  I don't know what came
of that; I think that he ran out of tuits...

I ran out of tuits and interest, though I still lurk just to see whats
going on.

Parrot started moving in a direction I didn't like and I got tired
of arguing to justify my patches.

2 yrs ago I just went back to doing private research projects on
my own.

From my point of view, the Parrot development community
lacks adequate sense of humor and spirit of comradery for me
to participate.

I decided just to work on my Cola language and write a specific
VM for it with the lessons I learned from Parrot. I still like
register based VMs (memory transfer machines) but by working
solo I can play with ideas like infinite register numbers and a more
uniform, compact, RISC like instruction set encoding. My only
goal is self education, so this works out better for me.

Good luck guys,


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