On Mon, 2005-06-13 at 17:07 +0200, Ingo Blechschmidt wrote:

>   # No problem:
>   my $data = BEGIN {
>     my $fh = open "some_file" err...;
>     =$fh;
>   };
>   # Problem;
>   my $fh = BEGIN { open "some_file" err... };
>   # Compile-time filehandle leaked into runtime!
>   say =$fh;

Perhaps I'm being very naive, but why is this a problem?  Maybe it's not
the best way to do something, but I can see it being useful in some

Are you worried about using up resources?  If you don't refer to $fh
elsewhere, GC will take care of it.  (If you really worried about it,
you'd explicitly close it somewhere.)

-- c

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