Ivan Tubert-Brohman writes:

> I'm happy to listen to your suggestions; AnnoCPAN is a work in
> progress and I'm still adding features and fixing bugs.

Thanks Ivan for your work on this.

> I'm also considering the possibility of sending automated emails,
> similar to what rt.cpan.org does. However, I was still unsure about
> whether to do it opt-in or opt-out (or no-option ;-).

Opt-out (or no-option) would irritate far too many people (not
necessarily rationally, but it would).  But people can only opt in if
they know it exists to opt in to.  Perhaps you could send one mail once,
the first time each author has a note added (or as soon as the mail
feature is deployed, for authors that already have notes) letting her
know about the feature and inviting her to opt in to receive further

Doubtless there will be some people who complain about receiving even
this single mail, but it should cause less grief.

> There is a (yet unused) mailing list, where we could discuss AnnoCPAN
> in more detail if it's considered off-topic for this perl-qa.

I probably don't care about AnnoCpan enough to bother to subscribe to
yet another mailing list, but I'd be happy to read about it here -- or
possibly on module-authors, which might be even more on-topic than this

May God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a
difference in this world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done.

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