On Thu, Jul 14, 2005 at 05:37:38PM +0200, Carl Mäsak wrote:
> On 7/14/05, Juerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > It's just a Solomon judgement situation. That can work out well, but I
> > really hate when it's forced and used to test patience.
> If Juerd is right about this being a solomonian situation, let me just
> give up my baby to the other woman by saying:
> * "It's hers." It's not important what syntax you give it. `./` is ok,
> but I trust @larry to make the right choice there.
> * "Please don't hurt my baby." Let `.foo` still mean `$_.foo`,
> unconditionally. That's all that really matters.

Yes, let .foo still mean $_.foo, unconditionally, please.

The `./` is nice, but I'm willing to give up the syntax in favor of
letting .foo always mean $_.foo.

Autrijus joked? about $?.method once (instead of ./method), in case we
need any more bad alternatives for $?SELF.method.  But I also trust
@larry, or %larry, or even $larry, to make a decent choice that will
serve the community well.

So long as .foo (pretty please) means $_.foo all the time (with sugar on


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