I've been pondering custom test runners recently and have hit the familiar problem of Test::Harness::Straps not capturing STDERR, so missing the diagnostics that Test::Builder outputs.

A moderately evil solution occurred, and I now have a Test::Builder::STDOUT on my box that just does:

    use Test::Builder;
    *Test::Builder::failure_output = \&Test::Builder::output;

redirecting all T::B diagnostic messages to STDOUT. Now I can add:

    $ENV{ HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES } = '-MTest::Builder::STDOUT';

to my test runner and all my diagnostics end up in the results hash that Test::Harness::Straps::analyze_file returns.

Obviously won't work if your test scripts aren't written using T::B, but that's not a problem I hit very often.

Greasy hack? Obviously - but it seems to do the job. I'm tempted to throw it at CPAN :-)

Is there a better way I'm missing?



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